Monday 10 September 2018

Serena Williams fined $17k for three code violations during her confrontation with the umpire at the US Open Final

Serena Williams?fined $17k for three code violations during her confrontation with the umpire at the US Open Final
Serena Williams has been fined a total of $17,000 for her three code violations during the US Open final against Naomi Osaka.

The six-time US Open winner was docked $10,000 for “verbal abuse” of chair umpire Carlos Ramos by the tournament referee’s office on Sunday. Additionally, she has been fined $4,000 for being warned for coaching and $3,000 for breaking her racket. The money comes out of her prize money of $1.85 million as the runner-up. Williams lost 6-2, 6-4 to Osaka in Saturday’s final.

Under Article III, Section P, “verbal abuse” is defined as “a statement about an official, opponent, sponsor, spectator or other person that implies dishonesty or is derogatory, insulting or otherwise abusive.”

The section says a player is subject to a fine up to $20,000 for each violation. There are separate categories for coaching (“Communications of any kind, audible or visible, between a player and a coach may be construed as coaching”) and for abuse of rackets or equipment.

In the controversial final, Serena was adjudged to have recieved coaching from Patrick Mouratoglou; a claim he accepted before being penalised a point later for racket abuse. She was then docked a game for verbal abuse after seven games in the second set. During the verbal tirade, Serena had called Ramos a ‘cheat’ and a ‘thief

Thursday 5 July 2018

Woman narrates how she survived near-fatal car accident on Otedola bridge

Woman narrates how she survived near-fatal car accident on Otedola bridge
A Nigerian lady identified as Desire Omasirim took to Facebook to narrate her ordeal during a near-fatal car accident which she fortunately survived.
Read below...
Testimony time
God Spared my life...
Jehovah over do, On the 27th of June 2018, boarded a bus to Ojodu Bergar, On getting to Otedola bridge driver marched the break and it didn't hold, with the speed he hit a car in front of us, he came down to open his bus and the car he hit moved and i was at the back seat,everyone jumped off but almost too late for me cos the car was almost summersaulting,abd at tgst point my colleague shouted that I should jump and on doing that, I jumped into another vehicle landing with my head, all I was thinking about before my head went blank was my kids, mum and siblings...
But  i thank God for the immediate responses  of the emergency unit in Lagos state here, that arrived at the scene few mins after the incident ....
Want to use this medium to thank  God for sparing my life and given me a second chance, it is for a purpose and it must be ACCOMPLISHED.
And for all my colleagues I love you guys, we no longer colleagues but family, the support and love was massive, and for my CEO of Adron homes, i woukdnt hace asked for better CEO, may God bless you more sir and my family and loved ones thats for the care, prayers and all the support, I love you all
And I am  coming out better and stronger ...
Not leaving this earth until the purpose I was created accomolishes.. My project is still on PadUp for girls, I haven't impacted any life yet, so Satan I am going no where ....
My God is too faithful to fail
I Am destined for greatest
Am a divine project.

Woman narrates how she survived near-fatal car accident on Otedola bridge
Woman narrates how she survived near-fatal car accident on Otedola bridge
Woman narrates how she survived near-fatal car accident on Otedola bridge
Woman narrates how she survived near-fatal car accident on Otedola bridge

Nollywood actress, Yetunde Akilapa arraigned for theft of property worth N7 million

Nollywood actress, Yetunde Akilapa arraigned for?theft of property worth N7 million
Rising yoruba actress and filmmaker, Yetunde Akilapa, was today brought before an Ikeja Chief Magistrates’ Court charged with the break-in and stealing of valuables worth N7 million.

The actress, 32, who lives at No.7, Oladelola St., Ketu area of Lagos, is standing trial on a three-count bordering on burglary and stealing to which she pleaded not guilty.

Police Prosecutor Benson Emuerhi told the court that the accused committed the offences on June 27 at No. 14/16, Mutairu St., Shangisha, Ketu, a suburb of Lagos, at 2.10 p.m.

According to him, the accused was apprehended while trying to enter the apartment of the complainant, Mr Adeboye Lamidi.

Lamidi alleged that he was in his sitting room when he noticed someone was trying to open the door to his apartment with a key from outside. Akilapa used a different key to unlock the door of the complainant house but was caught in the act.

He said, “l peeped through the door hole and l saw the accused trying to open my door with a key.” The prosecutor also alleged that the accused on Nov. 16, 2015, at 3.00 p.m. broke into the residence of Oyinlola Tuga by unlocking the door with a master key.

Tuga, who lives at No. 39A, Ayodele Okeowo St., Gbagada Soluyi in Lagos, reported that the accused stole jewellery, bags and other valuables worth N7 million. “Tuga alleged that after raising an alarm that his house had been burgled, his neighbours told him that they saw the accused parked her car with registration no. MUS 689 CZ in front of the complainant’s house. “They challenged her and found the stolen items and a hundred bunch of keys on her. “The accused was apprehended and handed over to the police at Ifako Police Station,” he said.

Akilapa came into the film industry in 2013 and acted in a Yoruba film, “Ileri-Oluwa’’, which brought her to the limelight. The actress was earlier reported to be in the news for stealing and breaking into people’s homes years ago and has been on the police wanted list for the past three years.

60-year-old father remanded for turning his 12-year-old daughter into his sex slave in Lagos

60-year-old father remanded for turning his 12-year-old daughter into his sex slave in Lagos
An Ikeja Magistrates’ court on Thursday remanded one Amusat Ashiru, a 60-year-old bus driver who allegedly defiled his 12-year-old daughter in Lagos.

Ashiru, who resides at Orisunbare, Shasha, allegedly turned his daughter into a sex machine after she moved in with him 3 months ago following his divorce from her mother.

The Magistrate, Mrs B.O. Osunsanmi, who refused to take the plea of the accused, said he should be kept behind bars pending advice from the State Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Daily Post reports.

The Police Prosecutor, ASP Ezekiel Ayorinde, told the court that, the accused committed the offence sometime in May at his residence and the sexual abuse happened multiple times.

“The girl, who has been staying with his uncle since her parents separated, decided to live with her father.

“She moved into her father’s house three months ago and since that day, her father had turned her into a sex machine,’’ Ayorinde is quoted as saying.

Ayorinde said the girl could no longer tolerate her father’s constant sexual demands so she ran away from home and was begging people to house her in their homes.

“A good Samaritan, who met her on the road begging for where to sleep, interrogated her and she told her what her father has been doing to her.

“The woman reported the case to the police and the accused was arrested,” the prosecutor said.

The offence contravened Section 137 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2015.

The case was adjourned until Aug. 6 for mention.

Nigerians can live anywhere in the country without restrictions- President Buhari says

President Buhari says Nigerians have the constitutional right to live, work and raise their families anywhere in the country without restrictions. Receiving the Governor of Katsina State, Alhaji Bello Aminu Masari, at his countryhome as part of the Eid-el-Kabir celebrations yesterday September 2nd, President Buhari reiterated that the Federal Government would guarantee the security of everyone in the country, and ensure protection of all Nigerians from harassments by reasons of their states of origin, tribes or ethnic backgrounds.
Assuring all Nigerians of their safety, the President said: “Every Nigerian has a right to live, work and thrive in every part of the country, irrespective of their backgrounds.’’
Speaking to newsmen after the visit, Governor Masari said President Buhari had brought so much honour and pride to his home state by living a life of integrity, fairness and kindness to all, a reflection of his fear of God.
He noted that the President’s leadership style had attracted positive global attention to the state, and the country, praying that God would continue to uphold him in good health.
The governor was accompanied on the visit by the Emir of Daura, Alhaji Faruk Umar Faruk and members of his cabinet.

North Korea has sentenced Four South Korean journalists to death!

Today, North Korea sentenced four South Korean journalists to death for book reviews that insulted the administration.

Two newspapers (Chosun Ilbo and the Dong-A Ilbo) reviewed the new Korean edition of “North Korea Confidential”, a book by two Seoul-based British journalists first published in 2015. The work details the growing role of the market in daily lives in the North, where South Korean television dramas are circulated on the black market, and fashion items and hairstyles from the South are copied.

According to the North’s Central Court, by reviewing the book, newspapers “committed a hideous crime of seriously insulting the dignity of the DPRK” as part of a “sordid smear campaign. They have reached the state of slandering and insulting even the inviolable name of our country and its national emblem,” it said.

One journalist from each newspaper and the presidents of both publications were sentenced to capital punishment, it said.  “The criminals hold no right to appeal and the execution will be carried out any moment and at any place without going through any additional procedures,” it added.

It is not the first time Pyongyang has declared a death sentence on South Korean citizens.  In June it said it was imposing the death penalty on the South’s former president Park Geun-Hye and her former spy agency head Lee Byung-Ho, claiming its state security authorities had foiled a plot by US and South Korean spy agencies to kill North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.

Friday 29 June 2018

8 Reasons happy Couples Rarely share their relationships status on social media

I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets a little annoyed by that couple on social media. You know who I'm talking about. Their profile pictures are selfies of them together smiling. Their statuses are inside jokes or cheesy relationship goals. But when you actually spend time with them, you're wondering why they're together.
Unlike their public facade, behind closed doors, this couple is always bickering about everything from chores to finances, and they seem on the verge of breaking up.
It becomes so tiresome that you long for the days when a social-media status was merely a shout out in your AIM profile. Unfortunately, social media has evolved to become a part of our daily lives -- which includes sharing too much information about our relationships.
The thing is, genuinely happy couples don't have to boast about it. In fact, they hardly discuss their relationship on social media. Here are eight reasons why over-posting couples may not be doing as well as they make it seem.

1. They're convincing others to convince themselves.

When two people constantly post inside jokes, confess their love for each other, or share pictures of themselves doing fun and romantic activities, it's a ploy to convince everyone else they're in a happy and healthy relationship, which is really just a way to trick themselves into thinking they're in a happy and healthy relationship.
Sexologist Nikki Goldstein told Mail Online: "Often it's the people who post the most who are seeking validation for their relationship from other people on social media.
"The likes and comments can be so validating that when someone is really struggling, that's where they get their up from -- not the person making the gesture, but what other people will say about it."

2. People who post more often are more likely to be psychopathic and narcissistic.

A survey of 800 men ages 18 to 40 found that "narcissism and psychopathy predicted the number of selfies posted, whereas narcissism and self-objectification predicted editing photographs of oneself posted" on social-media networks.
Another study discovered that posting, tagging, and commenting on Facebook is often associated with narcissism in both men and women.
In short, the more often you post or engage on social media, the more likely you are to be either narcissistic or, even worse, psychopathic. And in case you're wondering, "Narcissists are very bad relationship partners," says professor Brad Bushman of Ohio State University.

3. When you're happy, you don't get distracted by social media.

Sure. There will be plenty of times where you'll share a status or a couple of pictures of you and your significant other. Happy couples, though, are busy enjoying each other's company in the present. This means that they're not going to stop enjoying each other's company just to post a status or snap a selfie.
That's why you'll see this couple post a collage of their recent trip after they get home. They were too preoccupied with having fun to keep posting pictures.

4. Couples who post a lot tend to be insecure.

After surveying more than 100 couples, researchers from Northwestern University found those who posted more frequently on social media about their partner actually feel insecure in their relationship.

5. Couples are better off when they keep arguments offline.

Have you ever been in the presence of couple that's fighting? It's awkward, to say the least. Now imagine that fight playing out for the whole world to see on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube?
Instead of filming and uploading an anger and profanity-filled video, for example, the argument should be discussed in private between the couple. There's no need to air your dirty laundry to all of your friends, family, co-workers, or even clients.

6. Those who post more often on social media rely on their relationship for happiness.

Researchers from Albright College call this Relationship Contingent Self-Esteem (RCSE). RCSE is described as "an unhealthy form of self-esteem that depends on how well your relationship is going." These people use social media to brag about their relationship, make others jealous, or even spy on their partner.
"These results suggest that those high in RCSE feel a need to show others, their partners and perhaps themselves that their relationship is 'OK' and, thus, they are OK," said Albright assistant professor of psychology Gwendolyn Seidman, PhD.

7. They don't have anything to prove.

Couples that are genuinely happy do not need validation from social media to prove how happy they are. They don't need to show-off, make anyone else jealous, or keep tabs on their significant other. They're so secure and content in the relationship that there's no need to gush about it.

8. People who stay off Facebook are happier.

Denmark's Happiness Research Institute wanted to know what would happen if people quit Facebook for a week. So, they conducted an experiment that involved 1,095 people.
"After one week without Facebook, the treatment group reported a significantly higher level of life satisfaction," stated the researchers.
Prior to the experiment, the volunteers were asked to rate their lives on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the happiest. The "no Facebook" group increased from an average of 7.75/10 to 8.12/10, while the group that kept using Facebook actually decreased from 7.67/10 to 7.56/10.
The researchers also found that frequent Facebook users were more likely to feel angry (20 percent versus 12 percent), depressed (33 percent versus 22 percent) and worried (54 percent versus 41 percent).


In reality, it doesn't really matter what all the research says. It matters what you think and feel. However, the comments and findings from professionals may be something to at least take a look at. And if you feel you, a partner or friend has a "social media" issue, you may want to take a much closer look.

Monday 16 April 2018

Ogun State Police command arrests Five currency hawkers, recover N1.5m

Ogun State Police command?arrests Five currency hawkers, recover N1.5m
Five persons have been arrested by the Ogun State Police Command for allegedly hawking naira notes in different parts of the state. They were Toyin Alegbe, Kehinde Akinbode, Shoneye Latifat, Kehinde Olanrewaju and Iyanuoluwa Shokunbi.

They were arrested in Ijebu Ode, Sagamu and Abeokuta during sting operations jointly carried out by the operatives of the command and officials of Central Bank of Nigeria on Thursday 12th and Friday 13th of April 2018.

The state Police Public Relations Officer, Abimbola Oyeyemi, said the operation was in line with the provisions of Section 21(1) of the CBN Act 2007 which made hawking, selling and abuse of naira a punishable offence.

He said various denominations of naira notes totalling N1,560,000 were recovered from the suspects who were publicly exhibiting their illicit trade. The suspects, he said, would be charged to court soon.

Friday 9 March 2018

How I found the secret to being mega successful in every area of life by Aziza Uko

How I found the secret to being mega successful in every area of life by Aziza Uko
Read the piece by Executive Editor of The Trent, Aziza Uko.
As a marketing professional, I had my personal branding management team design a fancy and professional marketing message to tell this story. After it spent a week on my desk awaiting my approval, I have decided to put it aside and just be real. Just me. Speak from my heart... and my heart is filled with love and gratitude right now.

Let me start with a question. Have you ever heard someone tell a story of a miraculous financial breakthrough or health miracle or astonishing relationship success and you said to yourself, “Oh, yeah. That’s too good to be true!” Somehow, you have convinced yourself that what these people say they experiences is embellishment, just can’t be exactly true. Well that used to be me… until Divine Love found me and sent me a friend who invited me for a seminar last year.

At the exclusive meeting, I heard a phenomenal person speak in a way that spoke directly to me and my issues and my truth was set free, the key to my unstoppable life unlocked inside me that day and my life has taken a while new turn – positively.

And it wasn’t just me. Other people who attended the seminar recorded remarkable changes in their finances, their careers, and their relationship. At least four people who used public transport to the event have bought their own cars. A broadcaster who attended the seminar had her salary increased 5 times in a short period of time.

Some bankers who lost their jobs to the economic recession in the country have been able to find their feet again and triple their best salary as bankers. It is incredible!

Recently, I witnessed a man who attended this seminar almost come to tears expressing gratitude to the friend who invited him for the event. I could relate with him, I feel the same way too towards my friend who told me about the event.

I am partnering with some amazing leaders to bring this same seminar – which is usually held once a year – to Lekki, Lagos. I want everybody to get this life-changing information.

The training is worth N50,000. But, I am willing to give a ticket to 50 special people who are willing to attend. The seminar holds this Saturday, March 11, 2018 from 9am to 2pm (5 hours that will change your life).

If you are interested in taking advantage of my personal investment into your life this 2018, let me know. You can reach me in two ways:

Email: Send me a personal email at - write Ticket To Success Seminar in subject.

Whatsapp or Text Message: 08099162777

Say a little bit about yourself; provide your full name, email address, and phone number in your message.

Peace, Blessings, and Riches,

Aziza Uko
Executive Editor, The Trent

''Nigerian doctors are irresponsible, workers should be paid ‘very low’ minimum wage'' Governor Nasir El-Rufai

Kaduna state governor, Nasir El-Rufai, yesterday attacked trade unions in Nigeria, accusing them of always pursuing their narrow minded selfish interest without thinking of the good of the country.

Governor Nasir who was speaking at the ‘Governance Matters’ roundtable organised by Development Alternative Incorporation, DAI in Abuja, accused trade unions of always dragging their state chapters into the unnecessary fights with the Federal government.

Governor El-Rufai berated Nigerian doctors for going on strike despite taking an oath to always save lives. He said it is only in Nigeria that doctors go on strike.
The governor in his speech advocated for a cut down in the National minimum wage.
 Trade Unions have never served the country well. They have been selfish and everything is about their narrow interests. In general, in Nigeria, trade unions have been a danger to our progress and I think they should be curtailed. The mistake we made as a country was placing trade unions in the Exclusive Legislative List. If the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, has an issue with the Federal Government, then the state universities will go on strike too. In Kaduna, I warned the Kaduna State University, that if ‘you ever go on strike again because of somebody else, I will fire all of you. I think we need to do some things. First, take labour matters out of the Exclusive List because many of us are victims of agreements reached with ASUU by the Federal Government. The states were never part of such agreements.
Secondly, is the issue of minimum wage. Except we set a very low minimum wage, there will continue to be issues especially with states that do not have wide tax net. You cannot set the same minimum wage for Lagos and Jigawa. Also, we must apply the labour laws strictly. No work, no pay, because there has to be a trade dispute before anything strike. That is what the law says. I think the health unions have been the most irresponsible because only an irresponsible doctor will abandon his patients even after swearing to the Hippocratic Oath. I think Nigerian doctors are the only ones on the planet that go on strike.
We have submitted our report on true federalism and it will be taken to the National Assembly. We hope the National Assembly will stop dealing with inanities and deal with the real issues,” he said

Sunday 3 September 2017

China bans children from attending church services in the country

The Chinese Government has banned children from attending churches in the country in a bid to tighten their grip on religious activities.
The ban also prohibits children from attending religious sermons and other activities in several provinces across the country.
The ban comes after over one hundred churches in Wenzhou, China's Zhejiang province reportedly received a notice from government officials informing them that young people will be banned from entering churches.
According to UCA News, the ban also promises that officials will investigate government approved churches and underground congregations who operate outside the tightly controlled Beijing-run Catholic and Protestant Churches.
A researcher for Amnesty International, William Nee, who spoke to MailOnline UK, said, “At this point, it’s unclear how widespread the ban on children attending church services are in China, but these alarming reports seem to be coming in from fairly diverse areas throughout the country.”
Nee further said that the move reflects the tightening control of religion in “particular Islam and Christianity under the present administration” in the Asian country.
She added, “In an important speech on religion last year, the President, Xi Jinping, said that young people must study science, believe in science and develop a ‘correct’ worldview and set of values.
“It could be that the government is concerned that young people going to church or religious activities may challenge their monopoly on truth and the government’s ability to instill its own historical narratives and worldview through the public education system‎.”

Doctor says Conor McGregor suffered mild traumatic brain injury during TKO loss to Floyd Mayweather

Following the recent boxing match between Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor, Hall-of-Fame referee Robert Byrd came under fire for what appeared to be a premature stoppage, likely because a wobbly McGregor, despite taking heavy damage, was still on his feet when the bout was called.

However, according to former ringside physician Darragh O’Carroll he praised the referee for putting the brain before the brawn, 'Byrd's calculation to call a stoppage was likely not based on signs of fatigue, but rather signs of traumatic brain injury. Ataxia, or dizziness and loss of balance, is one of the hallmarks of concussion, a type of mild traumatic brain injury. Fatigue may cause sluggish and slow movements, but does not cause the imbalance and poor coordination exhibited by McGregor in the 10th round. Being wobbly, in the setting of pugilistic trauma, will always be treated as the result of head trauma and not as fatigue. To let a fighter continue on would be grossly negligent'.

Billionaire Michael Dell pledges $36 million to Harvey relief efforts, the highest so far

Tech billionaire and Houston native, Michael Dell has pledged $36 million to the Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. The pledge from the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation is the largest contribution to date.

It follows a long list of corporate donations to help the storm's victims and aid with recovery. The founder and CEO of Dell and his wife Susan on Friday also announced the launch of the Rebuild Texas Fund, along with Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

The pair has already donated $17 million to launch the fund. The goal is to raise more than $100 million for immediate relief efforts, as well as longer-term recovery and rebuilding. "This disaster is personal to everyone who has roots in Texas. Both of us were born and raised in Texas, and the street Michael grew up on in Houston is under water now" Michael and Susan Dell said in a statement.

Sunday 27 November 2016

Erm...Beyonce is running for mayor of Los Angeles?

If this story is true, how will she have the time to run the office? Read the report from MTO below... has exclusive learned that Beyonce Knowles, international superstar, wife to Jay Z, and mother to Blue Ivy is preparing to run for Mayor of Los Angeles. This is not a rumor, we confirmed the report with people close to Beyonce.
We spoke exclusively to a very well connected insider, who tells us that Bey has already hired political consultants and is taking preliminary steps to run as early as 2018.

The insider explained to, “[Los Angeles current mayor Eric] Garcetti is running for governor or senator in 2018. If he wins, there will be a special election for Los Angels’ mayoralty. Beyonce is going to run then.”

We’re told that Beyonce has already established the residency requirements to begin running, and as you can imagine, she already has SUPERSTAR SUPPORT. If she runs, as expcted, it will be the most watched ELECTION CAMPAIGN ever for a mayoralty.

We can’t wait until Bey runs – it’s gonna be SOOOOOO LIT. Is it too late to start talking about a PRESIDENTIAL RUN for Bey in 2020????

Erm, are Kylie Jenners's boobs getting bigger or what? (photos)

Looks like it from new photos...